Friday, August 3, 2012

JSC "Belaruskali" sales and logistics department

The production (potash fertilizers) of Joint Stock Company "Belaruskali" is delivered to Europe, East Asia, Mediterranean countries, South Africa, India, China, South and North America - in total to more than 50 countries. In average export sales make out 80% of Company output.

  Organization of work on realization of the manufactured products as well as fulfillment of research and analysis of the world and domestic markets of mineral fertilizers, advertising support of the produce and Company's activities are made by department of the external economic activities.

  The main merchant ports, through which the production of PA "Belaruskali" is shipped, are located on the Baltic and Black seas.

  From September 25 2006 the deliveries of the potash mineral fertilizeras to the world markets are carried out via the Closed JSC "Belarus Potash Company", the founders therof on the parity conditions are RUE PA Belaruskali and Open JSC Uralkali.
 The main goal of the Closed JSC BPC functioning is the maximum meeting of the demands of the potash mineral fertilizers users without the participation of intermediateries and keeping the market stability.

Supplies to domestic market make out in average about 20% of potash fertilizers.

Common edible rock salt is supplied to domestic market and to Russia, Baltic states and Moldova.
Technical salt besides the above-mentioned countries goes into a number of East- and Western European countries.

JSC "Belaruskali" sales and logistics department

Position First name, last name Office phone:
+375 174
Director-general deputy on commercial
issues and logistics
Vladimir Kobiashev 22 53 25
Sales and logistics department head
Yelena Kudryavets 29 86 08
Exports and logistics division head
Dmitri Prokhotski 23 72 08
Deliveries to the domestic market
and CIS countries division head
Natalya Steshits 23 86 92

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